
Wishful Wednesday

It is such a gorgeous week here in Nashville. The weather has been phenomenal; almost unbelievable. I wish that the weather will continue to cooperate for a couple more weeks so that we can get all the beautiful weather in before it turns cold. I absolutely love this time of year. Ya know that time of year when it's not blazing hot but it's not cold enough that you'd want to be inside. I say it's perfect hoodie and bonfire weather at night! Now that makes me excited. There is nothing like sitting around the bonfire. Geez...now I gotta see about getting a bonfire together in the next few weeks.

I'm also excited that my older brother is staying with Josh and I for a few days. When I was little I would call him Bubba. I still do sometimes. :)

Brad and I at one of my 21st birthday parties.

I guess my Wishful Wednesday turned into an Excited Wednesday. Eh, whatever. It's my blog and I'll do what I want to. :)

Have a fabulous Wednesday!

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